To Find Firm Footing Between Two Realms

Dawna Kreis
3 min readAug 6, 2021

Last week, I started my first 9–5/40 hours a week job in 20 years. It is, I feel, the start of a new career for me. This, after having been a stay-at-home-mom and military spouse for SO many years.

I’m enjoying it. The work is challenging but in a good way, and the people I’m working with are wonderful. I am beyond grateful for the opportunity.

It is taking some getting used to, though, and it is here that I feel the opportunity for growth and expansion (ie “the lesson”) lies.

Back when I last held a steady 9–5 job, I was — to put it mildly — a hot mess.

I was a young mom with young kids and our family was pretty new to the military lifestyle. While DH and I had been married when he served previously, we hadn’t had the kids yet. So, it was quite different. Technically, we were a “military family” but not quite.

And it was during DH’s first deployment I consciously ventured on to the path of my spiritual Journey.

To say I was not entirely “stable” at that time would be an understatement. A lot of false structures and beliefs in my life came crumbling down, which, of course, is typical when you’re shedding the old to find the new or “authentic”.

I know now, though, the “downtime” between when the decision for me to stay home with the kids and now had a purpose. I needed that time to heal and build a more solid foundation for myself.

And now, as I take on another “JOB”, it is with more Consciousness in place. Yet, there IS room for expansion and growth. Especially, as I find equilibrium as the “mundane” begins to play a larger part in my overall life.

Because I am realizing and with more stark clarity that it is much easier to talk about “Everyday Magic” and the spiritual when ALL your time is your own. It’s a whole different ball of wax when you’re holding down a “JOB” and the hours in which we can consciously pursue our interests and passions are significantly reduced.

New Direction

For the past couple of weeks — ever since I knew I was going to undertake this new role — I have been feeling into the effects it would have on The Enchanted Hearth. Even up until last night, I was uncertain. In fact, I was beginning to think that it would take a backseat to The Mystic Maunderer.

What I realized this morning, though, is I am getting a clearer perspective on what SO many of us deal with on a day-to-day basis. In a way that I haven’t understood for decades. So much so that I do see how The Enchanted Hearth is morphing.

It’s still about the wisdom that comes through me to be shared but, now, in answer to the question, “how do I keep one foot in each realm (mundane and spiritual) without losing balance?”

It’s a bit of an experiment with me as the “guinea pig”, and I’ll share my findings and what is working for me in the days to come. All in the hope that it may make a difference in your own life.

Until next time, dear friend… As always take care of yourself, and may you and yours be well!

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Dawna Kreis

Spiritual Mentor, Creatrix, and “Mistress of the Woo”, Dawna empowers others to create more FUN, JOY, and MAGIC in their lives.