When We Decide, the Universe Moves

Dawna Kreis
5 min readMay 13, 2021

The Universe is always working for us, and if we’re putting our all into something and it just doesn’t seem to be working in the way we envision, it may mean that we haven’t quite aligned with the vision held for us.

When we align with the Universe’s vision for us, doors we did not even know existed will effortlessly and easily open to us (more about my own experience with this coming up).

Does this mean that we don’t have to work for what we want? Not at all. But when we are on the “right path” for us, the energy we will expend to “make things happen” will be that much less than when we are on the “wrong path” for us.

We Are NOT Alone

Make no mistake, we are not alone in this process. Each of us has a “Spiritual Advisory Board”.

While we do have free will to do (or not do) as we wish, our “board members” are with us on a consultation basis. Meaning, they will give us inspiration in the form of “downloads” (though, personally, I’m really not a fan of this term) that we can utilize to move forward.

My Experience

For several years now, I’ve been hard at work growing two businesses. One started out as the business I knew I could do and, possibly, succeed with. The other was the business I dreamed to create.

The first is going well and growing steadily more with time.

The other… I work hard on it, but it does not seem to be growing as much as I would like.

This morning, my board members chimed in… “It’s time to meld the two.”

The Spiritual and business.

Now, this is something they’ve approached me with in the past, and for a few moments, I was excited about the prospect. But as I thought about it more (Ego), it didn’t sound as fun or magical as I desire my business to be. So, I allowed it to drift off without further consideration.

This morning, though, they expounded on the notion, and I find I’m rather liking the idea!

The Journey

See, one thing I’ve learned over the years I’ve been doing this is… Creating and growing a business — just like growing in Spirit — is a Journey. But one’s business cannot truly thrive without personal and spiritual development.

Often, there exist blocks within our mind that prevent us from doing what we most desire to do. Unless we work with our own spirit, as well as our Spiritual Advisory Board, the road ahead can be plagued with potholes, detours, and roundabouts that ultimately delay us in reaching our intended destination.


Mercury Retrograde

Beginning this week and going through until July 7th, I’m hosting a group exploration for my community (Silver Members & higher) in which we’re learning to THRIVE rather than “merely survive” Mercury Retrograde. (Click for more information or to join us.)

Since this is a perfect time to revisit old projects, I’m doing just that!

The melding of my two businesses will be my Mercury Rx project!

Don’t worry!

I will still share the content that you’ve come to know and love (ie Monday Messages, Meditative Moments, Letters From GUS and Dave, as well as my weekly blog post). Through these offerings, I’ll continue to share information and strategies you can use for your own personal and spiritual development.

After all, these things are so important when creating a successful business that you love.

And for those who were excited about my latest “download” to inject more FUN, JOY, and whimsy into your lives…

Rest assured that I’m still planning to go forward with that as well. (I think Dave would abandon me and call me a “lost cause”, if I didn’t!)

No, my own advisory board assures me this is not going to be a “business as usual” approach to creating and growing a business.

“Business As Usual” Is Becoming UNusual

Our world is changing.

People have been asking for something different where “everyday” life is concerned, and, then, the pandemic hit on a global scale. We were given an opportunity to review our lives on all levels.

The Heart of the world is expanding and, slowly but surely, overtaking the Mind. We are moving into a more Yin way of being.

We are realizing that our creations in this world manifest so much more easily when we are “working” from a space of FUN and JOY. Here at the Enchanted Hearth, my advisory board, including Dave, intends to guide us in the process.

When We Decide, the Universe Moves

When we make a decision that is in alignment with the vision the Universe has for us, It moves to meet us.

To illustrate this fact…

My Spiritual Advisory Board shared the inspiration for these changes with me last night as I slept. This morning, I made the decision to flow with them and do my part. Mere hours later, I was contacted with a potential opportunity.

Truth be told, I don’t know all the details yet, but it feels BIG and VERY synchronistic.

The Universe moves in our favor when we agree to co-create with it.

What Will All of This Look Like?

Truth be told, I cannot tell you what this will look like. The creation process isn’t always neat and tidy. What I do know, though, is no matter what is created by this process, it will encompass my Heart and my Light. Both of which I cannot wait to continue to share with you in the days to come, my dear friend.

Until our paths cross once again, I’m sending you SO MUCH LOVE! May you experience OODLES of JOY and FUN in your life between now and then!

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Dawna Kreis

Spiritual Mentor, Creatrix, and “Mistress of the Woo”, Dawna empowers others to create more FUN, JOY, and MAGIC in their lives. www.dawnakreis.com